Welcome to the Official website for the author Michael Marnewick. This site is designed to illuminate what it takes to write a book, how the writing process came about and where the inspiration was drawn from.
The life of an author is not always particularly interesting and many have made a living – but certainly not a name – in nondescript jobs; writing came later, much later. But once the writing bug hits, one is drawn to keep at it.
Making a living from writing – especially when the market is limited, as it is in South Africa – can be tough and most writers supplement their book writing with an ordinary 'day-job' which may rely on a variety of writing jobs for magazines, newspapers or websites, or may simply be mundane work which brings in the daily bread.
The first book - “Quest for Glory: Successes in South African Sport” - is close to the author's heart, both because it is his 'first-born' and also for the fact that it was the realisation of a long term dream. It was published in November 2010.
The fact that some of South Africa's most well-known, high-profile and successful sports personalities were more than willing to contribute their thoughts shows how important sport is.
Not only for the obvious health aspect but for the camaraderie it provides, the livelihood that can be achieved, and the glory that can be attained. And the fact that sporting personalities are amenable to sharing their insights and secrets makes them even more deserving of the adulation and idol status bestowed on them by their legions of fans – the author himself included.
I would like to hope that this book would become some kind of inspirational text book for a future generation of sporting greats.
There are lots of books to be written (about sport and sporting achievements). When Professor Tim Noakes was sharing his thoughts with me, he had this to say: 'These books are terribly important for the future of South African sport'.
I intend to make my vision a reality - Michael Marnewick.
My second book, published as an eBook for Amazon Kindle in July 2012, relates our journey with ADD and provides insights, interesting anecdotes and information around ADD.